Can You Really Have It All?

Uncategorized May 03, 2022

The truth is YOU deserve to have it ALL! The career. The love. The family. The peace. The life. The money.

This is not a popular opinion.

We think we want it all, but we are afraid of what might happen if we do.

Money blocks and self sabotage keep us from reaching our full potential. We know it's probably as simple as getting out of our own way, but we don't know how. 

One thing I love about money mindset work is it's the same no matter what level your at. 

If you're just starting out and you haven't made much money in your business and your feeling stuck, the mindset work is the same as if you're earning millions of dollars in your business. 

A common money and abundance block that can sabotage your success is feeling a fear of success.

Maybe as a kid you heard things like:

  • Success comes at cost.
  • There's always a price to pay.
  • Don't get too big for your britches.
  • If you're too successful, your unapproachable. 
  • Success will change you (and it may not be for the better.)
  • Success isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  • More money equals more problems.

If you have a deeply embedded story that it's not safe "to have it all" or it's not okay to be "too successful" or "too wealthy", you might find it showing up in the following ways:

  • Do you find yourself procrastinating on income producing activities?
  • Do you struggle with "what might happen if" you out-earned a spouse, a family member, a friend or a mentor?
  • Do you worry that problems will show up or what "bad things" will happen if you make too much money or become too successful? 
  • Do you worry others will stop loving you, find you un-relatable or that you will somehow leave others "behind" if you make more money or achieve more success? 
  • Do you set a low bar or purposely only set goals you know you can hit?
  • Do you strive for perfection and feel like everything has to be "right" before you can take action?
  • Do you refuse to allow yourself to be fully supported at work (or at home) and try to do ALL the things?
  • Do you have a hard time charging or valuing your work appropriately?
  • Do you feel like you are waiting for the other "shoe to drop?"

Get curious and be gentle with yourself as you tune in and notice the fears and sabotages that resonate with you. Your fears and the stories behind them are often unconscious.

Self awareness is one hundred percent your greatest tool for creating more abundance, more money and more success.  Uncovering where you are blocked will show you not only where you are playing small, but also illuminate the potential within you. The path you are meant to follow is often one you may be afraid to take, because it requires growth. 

Today, I want to help you clear this money block - because I know it's costing you.

Inside this quick 4 minute video, I'm sharing my million dollar framework and how to use it to bust through money blocks like this one -- so you can feel free and clear to make the money you desire and unlock more and more abundance in your experience. 

You can watch it here: You Can Have It All 

After you watch it, share your breakthroughs and ah-has with me on social media.

Also, please join me for a powerful 3 Day FREE workshop May 10th - May 12, 2022 to help you create a MONEY BREAKTHROUGH.  

I'm going to share three important ways your money mindset is holding back your income and limiting your abundance. Each day, you'll get a practical workbook with powerful homework and a quick LIVE training to help you up level your income, create more abundance and grow your business without working harder. 

This workshop will help you:

  • Break through an income plateau
  • Eliminate money blocks sabotaging you
  • Command and own your worth
  • Draft a plan for your money future
  • Blast through the money block that you can't earn more without working harder
  • Create more spaciousness, flow and abundance 

You are meant for more. Let's do this!

Click here to register:  MONEY BREAKTHROUGH WORKSHOP

Abundance is yours!


Alexandra Taketa


Know someone who wants to join you, share the link:


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