
You are Allowed to Have a Business that Supports You

What if your business could serve your life, not the other way around?

My business is a big part of my life.

It’s my mission, my passion, and part of my purpose.

And it’s also a job. Which means I get to make up the rules about how I...

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The Story You Tell Yourself

Let me tell you a story...

When I was 25, fresh out of graduate school, I took a job with a large prestigious consulting firm. I found myself working at 60-70 hour weeks, doing work I didn't love.

I was so tired and burnt out, I manifested an eye...

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Abundance Visualization Tool {Gift Inside}

I'm dropping in with cool tools and visualization practice to help you with money manifestation and embodying the energy of a wealthy woman.

Check it out.

1. Grab a notebook & some markers or pens.
2. Write down the following:

How do you want to...

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Breaking Through Upper Limits

Let’s be really honest. Sometimes creating true abundance requires us to explore our shadow sides and reveals the messy spaces we still need to clean up.

Gay Hendricks, in his book The Big Leap, coined the term Upper Limit. You've probably...

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The Only Roadmap You Need

"When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear." - Lao Tzu

I founded my company with one mission: to help every woman I meet become abundant, wealthy, and empowered. You know I'm all...

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True or False?

When it comes to building wealth and making amazing money …

What’s true? And what’s false?

Let’s bust some myths.

If you want to run a company that generates 6, 7, or 8 figures per year, sure, it’s possible. But it...

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Put This on Your Agenda

"When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably." - Walt Disney

Let's get practical. One of the best tools for realizing your goals is your calendar.

Why? Because scheduling it in makes it real. It's a...

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Anchor in Your Goal

Did you know that your phone calendar is one of your best friends and a power manifesting tool?

Let me break it down.

All modern phones have a calendar. And when you set something into the calendar you can set an alert to remind you to have this...

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Visualize your Income Expanding

Writing down your goals is like plugging your destination into the GPS. It sets your directions, helps you map your next steps, and informs your choices.

Today, I want to share a tool to help you take your goals up to the next level. I want you to...

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A Money Lesson Straight from Mother Teresa

I had a family member text me an article calling for change. I’m all for creating good in the world, but rather than talking about how we can create change, most of the article focused on sweeping generalizations about how bad and evil rich...

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